
How do you know that someone is upset with your presence?

How do you know that someone is upset with your presence?

How do you know that someone is upset with your presence?

make up justifications

He may make a lot of declaring in front of people that you are the one who hates him and he does not know why you hate him. This is justification for himself before justifying in front of you about the reason for his hating you and before making any action from him is clear towards you, he and you know very well that he is not right and his feelings have no reason real and real from you .

Not feeling comfortable with you

 And this act is accurate in its entirety, so you have to watch if you are alone in a place and observe his behavior, does he feel comfortable, and are you personally comfortable with this session or not? But you must differentiate between a person who hates and hates you, and a person who is shy and introverted by nature.

Sometimes behavior becomes inappropriately hostile

 This situation does not need an explanation, as the hater either says it explicitly to you that he hates you. Or behaves in a clear manner, revealed by the movement of the face, or the words .

Misinterpret what you say

 Whatever you say, and whatever you mention, it will always have a negative interpretation, and it carries more than it should and bears the opposite direction from your intention or it did not even cross your mind.


Many people share their impressions of people with those close to them, friends, family, or some acquaintances and colleagues, so knowing what someone who hates you says about you with those around him will give you decisive evidence of how this person feels about you or your observation of them in taking a prior position on you without your knowledge.


 Notice how this person behaves with you, the behaviors give a clear impression to you about how people feel about you, for example, ignoring the response to you or staying away from opening a conversation with you, this is evidence of hatred, or scrutinizing the way he talks to you and comparing it with the way he talks with others, also cold or fake smiles and interaction Passively with you during the dialogue is considered hate evidence .

Not accepting your opinions

 If you were in one of the sessions, note the extent to which he accepts and agrees with your opinions. If he is always rejecting and opposing them without justification and always, then it is a metaphor for feelings of hatred for you. Here, too, a distinction must be made between that he is a hater or that he is by nature a person who opposes opinions and thinks that he is always right in banner .

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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